Test Equipment Manuals

Allied Radio
See Knight or “Knight Kits”
Amphenol 857
CRT Commander
owner/instruction manual & schematicRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
Amphenol 857
CRT Commander

CRT test set-Up chart book

Re-Mastered reprint
Approved Electronic Instrument Corp.
model A200
Signal Generator
instructions & schematic
Re-Mastered reprint, 8.5 x 11″, 4 pages
tech manual – TM 11-6625-274-12l
< click on link
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B&K Equipment< click on link
<<< C >>>
Central Electronics Inc. CRT tester & rejuvenator RE-2New Multiphase “Rejuva-Tube” Instructions, promo info * schematicRe-Mastered reprint 5 pages (loose) 4 in color$25.00
Conar 224
tube tester
Instruction/assembly manual (complete) includes schematicRe-Mastered reprint, comb bound
Conar 221, 223 & 224 tube test datasupplementary and obsolete tube test data bookRe-Mastered reprint, comb bound (50 pages)$30.00
Conar 280 AM/FM
signal generator
Instruction manual with schematics. Nice book, it includes instructions on AM & FM alignment proceduresRe-Mastered reprint, comb bound
Cornell-Dublier BF-60
Capacitor-Resistor Bridge
Instruction manual with schematic & parts list BETTER THAN ORIGINAL, the original had a serious schematic error which I have corrected + a wiring diagram for the # 1629 eye tubeRe-Mastered reprint 18 pages, card stock covers
Cornell-Dublier BF-70 & 71
Capacitance-Resistance Analyzer
Instruction manual with schematic & parts listRe-Mastered reprint 24 pages, card stock covers$30.00
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Daven, Signal Corps
tube tester
< click on link
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EICO< click on link
EMC 213-215 tube testerOperation & tube test set-up manualRe-Mastered reprint approx. 60 pages$40.00
<<< G >>>
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Heathkit< click on link
Hewlett Packard 200CD wide range oscillatorcomplete factory service manualRe-Mastered reprint
nice comb bound copy
Hewlett Packard 5315A frequency Countercomplete operation and  service manualhigh quality copy
 106 pages
HICKOK< click on link
Return<<< J >>>
200 series
Owner-Operation manual for this rare piece of equipment. Manual includes specs, theory, operation, maintenances, calibration, parts lists & schematics.Re-Mastered reprint 8.5 x 11″ format, about 24 pages$35.00
Jackson 648
tube tester
Operating instructions – single sheet (goes in lid) cardstock
Re-Mastered reprint
Jackson 648
tube tester
Special and seldom used tubes set up chart, dated 8-59Re-Mastered reprint$25.00
Jackson 707
CRT tester
Instruction booklet & schematicRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
Jackson test equipmentcatalog showing 12 models of their new line of gear. Tubes testers, scopes, VTVM generators etc. (early 1950’s? (not dated)Re-Mastered reprint,
 4 pages 8.5 x 11″
Jackson test equipmentfolded pocket catalog showing 8 models of their gear. Tubes testers, scopes, VTVM generators etc. (early 1950’s? (not dated)Re-Mastered reprint,
 two tone color, 2 pages (original was folded into 12 pages). My repro is 1 dual sided 8.5×11″ page not folded
James Millen Mfg.
90651 grid dip meter
InstructionsRe-Mastered reprint, com bound with card stock covers$25.00
Jewell Radio Service Instruments
137 Set Analyzer
Catalog & descriptions for models for 54, 57, 77, 98, 110-A, 115, 116, 117, 133/A, 139 & 145. Includes some basic operating instructions for model 137.Re-Mastered reprint, 1 or two pages depends on model. Order by model number desired$18.00 each
Return<<< K >>>
Kent-Moore tube tester> Hickok KMO 175-60
< click on link
<<< L >>>
Leader LSW-333Sweep/marker GeneratorRe-Mastered reprint,
 36 pages 8.5 x 11″
Return<<< M >>>
McMurdo Silver
906 AM/FM generator
IMPROVED Instruction manual with parts list & schematic; better, more usable schematic, larger easy to read text. Additional internal photos.Re-Mastered reprint, comb bound, 16 pages 11 x 8.5″ format$30.00
Mercury 1000 tube testerInstruction manual with parts list & schematicRe-Mastered reprint$30.00
Mercury 1000 tube testerComprehensive tube test data manual dated 1970Re-Mastered reprint$30.00
Mercury 1100 series tube testerComprehensive tube test data manual dated 1971Re-Mastered reprint$30.00
Mercury 1100
series tube tester
Instruction manualRe-Mastered reprint$30.00
MILITARY Test Equipment Manuals< click on link
Return<<< N >>>
National Union
N.U. Videotron CRT Checker
Operating instructions & schematicRe-Mastered reprint
NAVSHIPS Test Equipment Manuals< click on link
NRI 70 tube testerOperating instructions & schematicRe-Mastered reprint$30.00
<<< P >>>
PACO & PRECISION< click on link
 PhilcoComprehensive CRT data book printed in 1962. Detailed specs including operating voltages and base diagrams on all CRT’s made (including scope tubes) from the early 1930s to dateA very valuable reference for any serious television technician or collector. Published by Philco and covers nearly all CRTs made by all manufacturers.  Re-Mastered reprint,
 Comb bound, 30 pages
Precise VTVM
model 904 P-P
Instruction manualInstructions Only$30.00
Precise VTVM
model 904 P-P
assembly manuals with calibration info & schematicAssembly instructions only$30.00
Precise tube tester model 111construction & operation book with schematic & parts listRe-Mastered reprint
 32 pages 5.5 x 8.5″
Precise audio generator models 630/ 635construction & operation manual with schematics, parts list plus addenda pages with voltage charts etc.Re-Mastered reprint manual is the original size (5.5 x 8.5:), 24 pages. The supplemental info is 8.5 x 11″, 7 pages$35.00
Return<<< R>>>
RCA 155A
Instruction, operation & maintenance manual, parts list & schematicRe-Mastered reprint 12 pages
, 8.5 x 11″.
Instruction manual, parts list & schematic 8.5 x 11″Re-Mastered reprint$25.00
Instruction manual, parts list & schematic manualRe-Mastered reprint 32 pages$25.00
RCA WV-98C VoltOhmistInstruction manual, parts list & schematic manualRe-Mastered reprint 32 pages$25.00
RCA WV-510A Master VoltOhmistInstructions, parts list schematicRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
RCP (Radio City Products) 308 – 312 tube testerInstruction manual with schematic & obsolete tube test dataRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
RCP (Radio City Products) 706A signal generatorInstruction manual with schematicRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
RCP (Radio City Products) 807
tube tester
Instruction manual, schematic & supplemental tube test dataRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
RCP (Radio City Products)
DO-ALL tube tester and set tester. Instruction manual, includes schematicRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
Readrite 430Test Tester instructions and tube test set-up data manualRe-Mastered reprint 8 pages$20.00
Readrite 550Test Oscillator instruction manualRe-Mastered reprint  8 pages$25.00
Return<<< S >>>
SECO 88/88A tube tester manualSet-up charts, operating Instructions, made similar to original ring bound lid mounted manual.Re-Mastered reprint on heavy paper very similar to the original, about 50 pages 8.5 x 5.5″$35.00
SECO 107 tube tester manualOperating Instructions, description & basic schematicRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
SECO 107B tube tester manualOperating Instructions & basic schematicRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
SECO 107C tube tester manualTube test set-up data & operating InstructionsRe-Mastered reprint, 5.5 x 8.5″ booklet
SENCORE< click on link
Silver< See McMurdo Silver
Simpson 260 series 5 & 5M  VOMInstruction bookRe-Mastered reprint$20.00
Simpson 260 series 7P VOMInstruction bookRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
Simpson 260 series 8P VOMInstruction bookRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
Simpson 260 series 8P VOMCalibration manualRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
Simpson 260 series VOM1001 uses book, 86 pages of things to do with the 260.Re-Mastered reprint
, comb bound
Simpson 270 series 4  series VOMInstruction bookRe-Mastered reprint$20.00
Simpson 335 & 445 tube tester335 schematic only + 5 pages of supplemental tube set-up data dated 12-1960Re-Mastered reprint$20.00
Simpson 479
FM-TV signal generator
operators manual, schematic & parts listRe-Mastered reprint
, comb bound – 44 pages
Simpson 479-480
FM-TV signal generator

: Instructions book on how to use for UHF TV alignment.  A very detailed  book with frequency tables, frequency harmonic notations + a bonus center page spread with photos of all the major TV company service managers and Simpson products of 1953
Re-Mastered reprint
, comb bound, 36 pages  + Schematic
Simpson 480 GenescopeOperators manual w/schematic & parts listRe-Mastered reprint
 over 60 pages, 8.5 x 11″ format
Simpson 555
tube tester
operating instructions bookletRe-Mastered reprint
 10 pages
Signal Corps Test Equipment Manuals< click on link
Solar CE  Capacitor Testeroperators manual, schematic & parts listRe-Mastered reprint
Sprague TCA-1
Capacitor Analyzer
Instructions, parts list schematicRe-Mastered reprint 5.5 x 8.5″$25.00
Sprague TO-4
Capacitor Analyzer
Instructions, parts list schematicRe-Mastered reprint 5.5 x 8.5″$25.00
Sprague Tel-Ohmike T0-5Instruction manual w/parts list & schematic
Re-Mastered reprint 5.5 x 8.5″
Sprague Tel-Ohmike T0-6Instruction manual w/parts list & schematicRe-Mastered reprint$25.00
Supreme 385 DiagnometerOperating instructions, owners manualBeautiful Re-Mastered reprint, of the original instruction manual$25.00
Supreme 385 DiagnometerLid chart operating instructions and tube test set-up data charts ORIGINAL (the one that came with the tester) or UPDATED (a later mid ’30s with the newer tubes).NOTE: many of the earlier 20’s tubes are not included on the update. You may want to order both charts.Re-Mastered reprint, 11 x 17, sent in a mailing tube
choose early, updated or both
$20.00 each or both for $30.00
Supreme Testing Instruments
1933 Catalog
test equipment catalog showing the complete 1933 line…BEAUTIFUL!Re-Mastered reprint, comb bound
Supreme 85 tube testerOperating instructions & set up chart (goes in lid)Re-Mastered reprint 1 page on heavy cardstock$20.00
Supreme 85-PL tube testerOperating instructions & set up chart (goes in lid)Re-Mastered reprint 1 page on heavy cardstock$20.00
Superior 77
Vacuum Tube Volt Meter
Instruction manual with  parts list & schematicRe-Mastered reprint$30.00
Superior TD-55
tube tester
3 manual set, Instruction manual with schematic, Tube date charts and How to pamphletRe-Mastered reprint price includes all three booklets$30.00
Superior TV-11
tube tester
Instruction-Operation manual with parts list & schematic.Re-Mastered reprint Includes Lid instruction sheet printed on cardstock paper$25.00
Superior TV-11
tube tester
Lid instruction sheet only, basic simplified instructions, tacked inside the lid.Re-Mastered reprint  printed on cardstock paper$12.00
Superior TV-11
tube tester
Supplemental tube test data dated 1961 + obsolete tubes from the 1920s, 1954 & 1956 roll chart dataRe-Mastered reprint, comb bound book$30.00
Superior TV-11
tube tester
Book, supplemental book “How to get the Most out of Your TV-11”. A valuable addition to your TV-11. A publication on using the TV-11 with suggestions, notes & tips.Re-Mastered reprint 24 pages$25.00
Superior TV-12
tube tester
Instruction manual with schematic includes transistor test dataRe-Mastered reprint comb bound 20 pages$25.00
Superior TV-40
CRT Tester
CRT Tester
Instruction manual with schematic
Re-Mastered reprint,
 4 pages, folded pocket size
Superior Genometer TV-TV-50-A
Signal Generator
Instruction manual with schematicRe-Mastered reprint$20.00
Genometer TV-TV-50 Signal GeneratorInstruction manual with schematicRe-Mastered reprint$20.00
Superior Genometer TV-TV-50
Signal Generator
Book, supplemental 32 page book “How to get the Most out of Your TV-50” great tips on all types of troubleshooting using the TV-50Re-Mastered reprint
Sylvania 139 tube testerOperation/Instruction with parts list and schematicRe-Mastered reprint 8.5 x 11″ comb bound$25.00
Sylvania model
tube tester
Operation/Instruction manual with parts list and schematic. Improved version with parts location photo page.Re-Mastered reprint 8.5 x 11″ comb bound$25.00
Sylvania model
tube tester
updated, supplemental tube test data taken from a mid ’60s roll chart. Scarce, hard to find, a supplement to the roll chart that covers most newer tubes well into the1960s. Tubes listed on the roll chart are not included in this supplement.Re-Mastered reprint  8.5 x 11″ comb bound
Sylvania 620 tube testerOperation/Instruction manual with parts list and schematicRe-Mastered reprint 8.5 x 11″ comb bound$25.00
Return<<< T >>>
Tektronix 2335
Complete Service, Operation, instruction manual w/schematics, parts list everything you need to know about the scopeRe-Mastered reprint large, heavy manual, 250 pages (8.5 x 11″) 110 pages$45.00
Tektronix 2335
Operators Instruction manual
(no schematic)
Re-Mastered reprint small, detailed manual for carry in the pouch, 100 pages (8.5 x 5.5″)$35.00
Tektronix 2246
Operation, instruction manual
(no schematic)
Re-Mastered reprint  (8.5 x 11″) 110 pages$35.00
Tektronix CFC250
Freq. Counter
Operation, instruction manual (no schematic)Re-Mastered reprint  (5.5 x 8.5″) 20 pages$25.00
Tektronix CFC250
Freq. Counter
Service manual, parts list schematic, complete manualRe-Mastered reprint  (8.5 x 11″) 50 pages$30.00
Triplett 3413
tube tester
For use with A & B versions. Test set-up chart supplement & revisions covers the early tubes of the 1920s – early’40s that may not be included on some of the roll charts (such as the 01A).Re-Mastered reprint of the 1959 roll chart in book form (5.5 x 8.5″)$20.00
Triplett 3414
tube tester
Not compatible with 3413 models. Test set-up chart. re-mastered from the 1959 original roll chart. Includes tube types popular from the early ’30s – late ’50s.Re-Mastered reprint of the 1959 roll chart in book form (8.5 x 11″)$25.00
Return<<< W >>>
Waterman S-10-A
instruction manual, parts list & schematicRe-Mastered reprint 16 pages 5.5 x 8.5″$25.00
Waterman S-11-A
instruction manual, parts list & schematicRe-Mastered reprint 16 pages 5.5 x 8.5″$25.00
Western-Electric Tube Testers< click on link (Hickok)
Weston TV-4 tube tester< click on link Military Test Equipment
Weston 519
tube tester
RARE! instruction manual for this primitive little unitRe-Mastered reprint 3.5 x 6″ – 20 pages$25.00
Weston 685, 773 – 778 tube testerInstructions & supplemental (newer) data (no schematic) includes models 685 & 773 thru 778Re-Mastered reprint
Weston 685 & 774 tube tester type 3 & 4lid label Early –  tube data set up chart
Re-Mastered reprint on heavy card stock
Weston 685 & 774 tube tester type 3 & 4lid label Late – tube data set up chartRe-Mastered reprint on heavy card stock$20.00
Weston 774
tube tester
same as 685, 773 – 778
Weston 978
tube tester
Instruction manual includes schematic, parts list + early tube set-up data that’s not on the roll chartRe-Mastered reprint $25.00
Weston 978
tube tester
tube test data (1955), from the roll chartRe-Mastered$25.00
Weston 981
tube tester type 3
Improved Instruction manual with parts list & schematic plus obsolete tube test data. I enlarged the rather small schematic, made additional notations on same and added an extra high res. photo page that show component locations. Calibration info also inc.beautiful Re-Mastered reprint, just like the original except for noted improvements$30.00
Weston 981
tube tester
Updated tube test data (early 60’s), from the roll chartRe-Mastered reprint in book form (8.5 x 11″)$25.00
Member of NWVRS (Northwest Vintage Radio Society), visit our website at NWVRS.org